Cool Silicon successfully applied for High-level EU Cluster Mission to the USA

Submitted by Stephanie Uhlig on 20 April 2017

The two Saxon clusters biosaxony e. V. and Cool Silicon e. V. will participate in a delegation trip to the USA together with 17 other European cluster organizations from 15 to 19 May 2017. Organizers are the European Cluster Collaboration Platform and BILAT USA 4.0, an EU project to support research and innovation cooperation between the EU and the USA. This cooperation is based on the EU-US Cooperation Arrangement on Clusters Agreement between the US Department of Commerce and the European Commission. 

The two clusters biosaxony e. V. and Cool Silicon e. V. were selected as the only German representatives from well over 40 European cluster organizations of different key future industries who had applied for the delegation trip. 

Already in the EU project "C3-Saxony" (Clusters and entrepreneurship in support of emerging industries), the Saxon ICT and life sciences industries had successfully joined together to identify future technologies and products at the interface of the two industries. The growth areas identified in this project, such as, for example, medical technology, are now to be aligned with the market environment in the USA. 

The selection of biosaxony and Cool Silicon for the delegation trip shows, on the one hand, the high relevance of key enabling technologies for the development of such growth areas and, on the other hand, the already achieved visibility on the European level. 

The delegation leads from Philadelphia via Washington to Boston. In addition to local cluster visits to build transatlantic partnerships and strategic cooperation, participation in the TechConnect World Innovation Conference in Washington DC is planned. The East Coast of the USA is considered to be the center for ICT, medical technology and digital health solutions. 

During the delegation trip, the cluster representatives of the two sectors will demonstrate the cooperation potential of Saxon companies and research institutions in order to establish long-term cooperation with American clusters. As part of its internationalization project "iCool" , which was launched at the beginning of the year, Cool Silicon e. V. would like to use this trip in particular in order to identify potential American project partners. Furthermore, the cluster's competencies regarding energy-efficient micro- and nanotechnologies, for example within the area of Internet of Things as well as for energy-efficient production technologies within the scope of the "Industry 4.0"concept, shall be presented.

About Cool Silicon e. V. 
The leading-edge cluster, Cool Silicon, was launched in 2009 by players from the leading microelectronic region Silicon Saxony. The core competencies of the cluster lie in micro- and nanoelectronics, in particular with regard to energy efficiency in both information and communication technology (ICT) and electronic systems as well as in the user industries. The product spectrum of the partners in the cluster covers a large part of the value chain, ranging from processors, graphic chips, memory, controllers, sensors and mobile communication chips to analog and mixed signal products. Cool Silicon e. V. has, in particular, set itself the task of promoting networking and the transfer of knowledge between research and industry with the focus on energy-efficient ICT.  

About biosaxony e. V. 
biosaxony e. V. is the Saxon life sciences association. Its members represent the various companies, scientific institutions and stakeholders of this industry. In 2016, biosaxony launched the medical technology section. The linking of biotechnology and medical technology is aimed at leading to the identification of new fields of innovation, which connect various actors in an interdisciplinary manner, thus improving and advancing the regional economic structure of both sub-sectors.  

Further Information  

Please also view 
Informational event on cooperation with USA & Canada on April 27, 2017 in Dresden

Cluster organisation
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