Submitted by Davide Marini on 05 September 2022

Schermata 2022-09-05 alle 16.32.51

Project 101074868 — LEVIATAD
LEVIATAD Project aims at creating the 1st Eurocluster of Excellence on Naval Defense. This will be obtained following an Action Plan on three steps.
1) Obtain a mapping of the Naval & Aero Naval Defence sector value chain post COVID-19 crisis to better understand the European ecosystem’s structure as well as the possible transnational synergies and complementarities. This will allow the Consortium to draw the lessons concerning disruption and dependencies and manage a more efficient industrial strategy (including green and digital transition) to engage better resilience and competitiveness in a long-term European strategic approach.
2) Put in place actions to support SMEs in their up-skilling towards strategic technologies innovations that will be the base of their path towards resilience and autonomy boosting European sovereignty in Defence sector. Support measures will be for example training workshops and vouchers
3) Go to international is the third step providing for other supporting measures (e.g. workshops, vouchers, studies of international markets) to help SMEs to acquire skills in some third countries markets as well as internationalisation to foster synergies and new business lines towards these non-EU countries.
This will foster action plans to enhance the European position in the value chain and engage resilience activities by supporting innovation processes and helping SMEs join forces and better cooperate with major public and private groups including in European and within international markets. These plans would have a strong focus on resilience and European synergies.

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