Cross sectoral trends analysis of the emerging industry digitalising energy

Submitted by Ariane Decramer on 17 June 2021


Within the SMARTENERGY project 5 leading energy clusters (Environment Park – Italy, Tenerrdis - France, Archenerg - Hungary, Flux50 - Belgium, Cluster Tweed - Belgium) and the major digital cluster Minalogic from France cooperate to enhance their cooperation at the crossroads of energy & digitalisation.

Therefore we carried out a cross sectoral trends analysis of the emerging industry digitalising energy in order to:

  • Find synergies among different energy-related products, processes and services provided by the energy clusters in cross-fertilization with the digital technologies and KETs provided by Minalogic and by the experience of all cluster partners,
  • Strengthen the 6 individual cluster strategies thanks to the partnership implemented in the project, including in their strategies and implementation roadmaps specific target related to cooperation between energy and IT, which is one of the main Energy innovation driver,
  • Foster the access for SMEs to various markets such as the mobility sector, the building and construction sector, the agricultural sector, etc. ∙ Cope better with crucial challenges such as the cybersecurity issues, the smart aspects of the Energy transition,
  • Develop a common strategy for the ESCP-4x, focused on the design of a sustainable metacluster or at least an alliance at EU level for energy transition.

To this purpose an analysis of 37 basic “energy challenges” has been proposed. These energy challenges are all of interest for at least one member of the consortium. For the digital sector we have identified 33 basic technologies, grouped into 8 major sub sectors.

All participating clusters analysed these and as a result we have identified 5 common energy challenges that can benefit the most from a cross-pollination with digital solutions:

  1. grid-connected and off-grid micro-grids technologies to enable smart energy communities
  2.  innovative solutions for local renewable generation of thermal energy (heating, cooling)
  3. Store energy along the grid renewable energy production systems adapted to Buildings (BIPV, adapted wind turbines, etc.)
  4. Software for smart mobility : Applications for car sharing service billing,
  5. software to implement Vehicle-to Grid, protocols for interoperability

You can read the full report and concrete projects running in the 5 regions of participating clusters  on these energy challenges. 

Please get in touch if you have any questions, want to collaborate, need our expertise: or get in touch with one of the clusters!

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