CTA launches conneCTA, a new open innovation platform to promote R&D collaboration
Companies, start-ups, universities, technology centres, institutions and any innovative entity can publish their technological offers and needs, and their innovation challenges to find the most suitable technological partner.
The platform suggests offers and requests that fit the participant's needs. In addition, it offers updated information on current R&D and innovation funding programmes so that companies can carry out their innovative projects. Companies and other entities can register for free
CTA (Technological Corporation of Andalusia) has launched the new open innovation platform conneCTA to provide a meeting point for innovative companies and organisations that have technological needs.
The objective is to make conneCTA the place where consolidated companies, start-ups, institutions, technology centres, university research groups and any innovative entity should go to find the most suitable R&D partner. The platform has a public and private area to access services and information exchange, in which companies and other entities can register for free.
Companies, start-ups, institutions and any innovative entity may publish their technological offers and needs and innovation challenges to find the most suitable technological partner.
Technological offer and demand matchmaking
The platform will carry out a matchmaking service, i.e., it will suggest offers and requests that fit the participant's needs. Furthermore, it will offer updated information on current R&D and innovation funding programmes so that they can start their innovative projects.
The website has a section for Technological Challenges, Offers, Demands and Financing, as well as a news section on the latest developments in the field of open innovation.
The conneCTA platform aims to help innovative entities find their best technology partners. It will promote the transfer of technology, since it will facilitate that the R&D and innovation capacities result in beneficial and profitable collaboration opportunities for all the stakeholders.
Click here to discover conneCTA