CTA promotes professional development opportunities in bioeconomy in a postgraduate programme at the University of Jaen

Submitted by David Paez on 18 May 2021

  • CTA has presented the results of the European project UrBIOfuture, with the aim of bringing bioeconomy closer to the educational and working environment.

The CTA consultant Carmen Girón has made a presentation about professional development opportunities in bioeconomy by introducing the main results of UrBIOfuture, a European project funded by the Bio-based Industries Joint Undertaking (BBI JU).

This presentation was made to students of the postgraduate programme “Bioeconomy, Education and Future Work” of the University of Jaen, who could learn about the different professional profiles that bioeconomy demands at the European level, as well as the educational options to continue their professional training.

The term “bioeconomy” refers to the activities that use renewable biological resources from soil and sea to produce food, materials and energy. The European Commission is strongly encouraging its development because of its potential to generate wealth and reduce unemployment in a sustainable way. UrBIOfuture has conducted an analysis of the breach between the European educational offer in bioeconomy and the profiles demanded by the industry.

CTA has become a reference cluster in terms of bioeconomy, recognised by the European Commission, and participates in several European projects to promote its development, like MPowerBIO, to facilitate access to investment capital to SMEs, or BIOSWITCH, to support enterprises in the adoption of bio approaches.

Likewise, CTA is creating a map of the Andalusian capacities in bioeconomy as part of the ATRESBIO project, funded by the Department of Economy with ERDF resources.

For more information, visit the CTA website by clicking here.

Cluster organisation
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