D3T project: survey about support services for SMEs regarding digitalisation

Submitted by Silvana Sanfeliu Giaimo on 22 February 2021

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Torino Wireless is currently wraping up an EU project called: Data-Driven Digital Transformation - D3T, funded under Horizon 2020’s call INNOSUP-06-2018: Supporting experimentation in innovation agencies - Grant Agreement 824197.

D3T project aims to improve the Digital Transformation support scheme by introducing a data-driven approach in helping companies assess their needs in terms of digitalisation. Through this scheme, we are exploring if implementing a data-driven approach could help companies assess their digitalisation needs more efficiently. This approach provides information on how we could support businesses in more cost-effective ways; allocating resources where necessary, and considering what support can be provided using online materials to alleviate pressure on the delivery agency while also providing effective support.

We are currently gathering information and thoughts from clusters and innovation agencies that provide services to SMEs, so we would like to invite any interested party to participate to a quick survey on this subject available HERE.

By filling the questionnaire, you will also become a D3T Stakeholder, and support the last part of the project regarding lessons learned, recommendations and results. We’ll also share with you the 2 papers to be produced as final deliverables of the project: Discussion paper on the implementation of the RCT in the D3T Project and Lesson learned in up-taking a data-driven approach for innovation support schemes.

Thank you for your support and contribution!

Cluster organisation
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