DANUBE ICT project
In the framework of the Danube ICT project implementation, two surveys were prepared and shared with regional partners – members of the Balkan and Black Sea ICT Clusters Network. The first was devoted to clusters and business organizations and the second for SMEs from the region. The surveys are part of the Action 2 of the project which aims is to support the development of sustainable collaboration among ICT Clusters through the elaboration of a strategic action plan for transnational cross-industry and cross -cluster collaboration, including industries of common interest, in order to propose future projects. We have received 85 responses from all member countries.
The final results from the surveys you could find there:
1. http://www.ictalent.org/_Code/UserFiles/Files/Danube_ICT_-_Survey_Clust…
2. http://www.ictalent.org/_Code/UserFiles/Files/Danube_ICT_-_Survey_SMEs…
Cluster organisation