DIA members in Digital industry global value chain
DIA in the digital industry global value chain
DIA provided two reports on Digital industry Global Value chain:
-One on the basis of the study of existing literature (reviews, magazines, white papers, consulting companies reports…) on the digital industry: in particularly DIA provided an analysis of the technologies, use cases, main industrial areas, key actors, and market trends has been performed. It provided each cluster a contextual framework to carry out the following project activities as well as a benchmarking data to be able to position themselves within this global value chain.(1st report)
The second document analysed the positioning of each cluster of the project in the Digital Industry global value chain, mainly speaking products and technologies and the relevant actors and stakeholders responsible for their development, with a specific focus on SMEs.
Discover more about these reports on https://digitalindustryalliance.eu/industry-4-0/