DIGI-B-CUBE consortium at the Kick-off Meeting of all projects funded under INNOSUP-01-2018

Submitted by D.B.R.K. Gupta Udatha on 23 August 2019

DIGI-B-CUBE project consortium attended the official Kick-off meeting of all the five new projects that were granted funding this under INNOSUP initiative. The INNOSUP initiative addresses the challenge to develop new cross-sectoral industrial value chains across the EU, by building upon the innovation potential of SMEs. 

The following five INNOSUP-01-2018 projects will work towards the development of new industrial value chains calls through the collaboration and integration of different innovation actors, including large enterprises and especially SMEs, across different sectors towards the implementation of a joint vision.

  • S3FOOD
  • Block.IS
  • SmartX

The kick-off meeting started with Welcome words and “tour de table” by Natalia Martinez Paramo (Head of Unit COSME) and Daniel Gassmann (Head of Sector).

The auditorium was filled with the enthusiam of several project managers and coordinators. Several of them are involved in more than one INNOSUP project, which will foster learning, konweledge sharing and collaboration across the projects.

Milena Stoyanova (Project Advisor), explained about the Rights and obligations deriving from the Grant Agreement, Administrative and operational issues linked with the implementation of projects. Her presentations provided information about cascade funding in H2020 actions with a focus on INNOSUP projects, and practicalities for all of us which will help in the implementation of the projects as per the rules and regulations laid out in the Grant Agreement.  She is also the project officer for DIGI-B-CUBE.

Anna Sobczak (Policy Officer), presented about the European Cluster Policy and and expected results of the INNOSUP call. She also provided an overview of previous and ongoing INNOSUP projects with some success stories. She also emphasised about boosting collaboration and connecting enterprises by using clusters as multipliers. 

Virginie Perron (Project Advisor), presented about the lessons learnt from previous actions and some guidance on how to manage H2020-INNOSUP-01 actions. 

The later part of the event was focused on individual presentations by the five project coordinators on the respective projects' goals, KPIs and structure of the innovation support to SMEs. We concluded the meeting with a group picture of the DIGI-B-CUBE work-package leaders. Thank you Anna and Milena!

Cluster organisation
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