DIGI-B-CUBE funding for SMEs – Open Call results

Submitted by Tanvir Singh Badwal on 02 September 2020

The DIGI-B-CUBE consortium is glad to announce that the first round of voucher applications by SMEs was a full success. In total, 217 applications from a total of 470 SMEs were received until the first cut-off date (29th July 2020). Applications were received from SMEs based in 34 countries, including European Union member states and Horizon 2020 associated countries.

In line with the Open Call objectives, SMEs submitted 141 ideas for Customised Solution Innovation Voucher projects and 76 ideas for Prototyping Voucher projects. While the first ones foster cross-sectoral cooperation between SMEs to support joint development of a novel product or service based on an existing proven concept that addresses a digitalization challenge, the later aim at supporting the prototyping or conceptualising of a solution (e.g. with a proof of concept or feasibility study) for a digitalization challenge in the Medical Diagnostics and related value chains.

The huge competition of good and excellent proposals required a strict selection of projects to be funded, based on the evaluation criteria defined in the voucher framework, involving both internal DIGI-B-CUBE reviewers as well as external experts.

In the next few months, 22 SMEs will be granted financial support to implement their Customised Solution Innovation Voucher projects with an overall budget of more than 1 Million Euros, ranging from topics like Sleep Apnea Test Device, to COVID-19 Monitoring, to in vitro cellular immunoassays, amongst other.

In addition, 21 SMEs with an overall budget of more than 400.000€ will be financially supported by the DIGI-B-CUBE project to implement their Prototyping Voucher projects.

The full list of projects approved (including the companies involved and the countries of origin) can be found here: https://digibcube.eu/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Projects-approved-first-call.pdf 

The project team thanks all applicants that contributed to this success story with their participation.

The next and final cut-off date for the submission of Customised Solution Innovation and Prototyping vouchers is 3rd February 2021.

More information on the call: https://digibcube.eu/open-calls

Submit proposals for the next deadline: https://digibcube.eu/collaborative-platform/   

About the project

DIGI-B-CUBE project, funded under the European Union´s Horizon 2020 Programme, aims to unlock the cross-sectoral collaborative potential of SMEs by combining novel Digital Technologies with the Bioimaging-Biosensing-Biobanking industries. The project will support development and delivery of new market sensitive disruptive technologies and key digital innovations to reconfigure patient-centred diagnostics towards a Health Economy 4.0.

The project offers direct financial support up to €60,000 per SME from relevant sectors including healthcare, medicine, biotech, biopharma, IT, robotics, automation, electronics, and nanotech. It supports digital innovations and solutions for the reconfiguration of the Medical Diagnostics and related value chains towards a Health Economy 4.0 with a special focus on Biobanking, Bioimaging, Biosensing and related industries.

Project website: https://digibcube.eu  

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