DIGI-B-CUBE Open Call - Innovation vouchers to support the SMEs

Submitted by Tanvir Singh Badwal on 14 April 2020

DIGI-B-CUBE project aims to unlock the cross-sectoral collaborative potential of SMEs by combining e.g. Artificial Intelligence (AI), Cognitive Computing Digital Technologies (CCDT) with the Bioimaging-Biosensing-Biobanking (B-CUBE) and related value chains to deliver market sensitive disruptive technologies and generating innovative solutions that enhance patient-centred diagnostic work-flows.

DIGI-B-CUBE project is launching an open call for funding on 22nd April 2020, to support projects focusing on integrating digital innovations and disruptive technologies across the Medical Diagnostics and related value chains. Small and Medium Enterprises (including new start-ups) operating in the health, medicine, biotech, biopharma, IT or related sectors (robotics, automation, electronics, nanotech, etc.) can apply for equity-free funding up to €60,000 through the DIGI-B-CUBE voucher scheme.

In addition to the Prototyping Voucher, the project will launch the Customised Solution Innovation Voucher that will provide funding to jointly develop a novel product/service based on an existing proven concept that addresses a digitalisation challenge in the Medical Diagnostics and related value chains. Consortia consisting of a minimum two SMEs from at least two different sectors will be funded. The third voucher to be unveiled is called the Co-working Disruption Lab Voucher which will support with additional funding to further advance a successfully completed Customised Solution Innovation Voucher project in an incubator / accelerator / co-working space of the DIGI-B-CUBE clusters’ network (or) in labs, technical and innovation facilities of other relevant SMEs. Consortia can include one SME from a completed project consortium and a host organisation.

More information: https://digibcube.eu/open-calls/

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