DIGI-B-CUBE Open Call presented in the European Cluster Conference 2020
As part of the European Cluster Conference held on November 10-11, European Cluster Partnerships shared results, ideas, and upcoming events. D.B.R.K. Gupta Udatha from Oslo Cancer Cluster (also the coordinator of the DIGI-B-CUBE project) presented the DIGI-B-CUBE open call: funding for SMEs. The Open Call is currently in Phase 2 and will accept voucher applications until February 3, 2021. It supports projects focusing on integrating digital innovations and disruptive technologies across Medical Diagnostics and related value chains. Small and Medium Enterprises (including new start-ups) operating in the health, medicine, biotech, biopharma, IT or related sectors (robotics, automation, electronics, nanotech, etc.) can apply for equity-free funding up to €60,000 through the DIGI-B-CUBE voucher scheme.
More about the project: https://digibcube.eu/
Latest project newsletter: https://digibcube.eu/newsletter/3/