DIGI-B-CUBE Open Call - Prototyping Voucher to support the SMEs

Submitted by Tanvir Singh Badwal on 23 March 2020

DIGI-B-CUBE project, funded under the European Union´s Horizon 2020 Programme, aims to unlock the cross-sectoral collaborative potential of SMEs by combining novel Digital Technologies with the Bioimaging-Biosensing-Biobanking industries. The project will support development and delivery of new market sensitive disruptive technologies and key digital innovations to reconfigure patient-centred diagnostics towards a Health Economy 4.0.

The Open Call for applications foreseen to be launched in April will unveil vouchers to cater the needs of SMEs in order to support their innovation potential and to help them overcome sectoral challenges. Among the vouchers is the Prototyping Voucher, which will facilitate funding to conceptualise and validate a solution to a digitalisation challenge in the medical diagnostics value chain. One SME from the health sector must partner with one SME from the IT sector. An SME will be eligible to apply for funding up to €20,000. The voucher opens in April 2020. The first deadline for applications is 29th July 2020.

More information: https://digibcube.eu/open-calls/

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