EiA Series of Conferences on Entrepreneurship and SDGs will start in Mar 2022!

Submitted by Tedora Aibu on 21 December 2021


Thinking of how entrepreneurship can have a positive impact?

ENRICH in Africa is organising a series of conferences on entrepreneurship and innovation to accelerate the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)!

Throughout this series of conferences, the EiA team and Champions will be discussing with inspirational people from the African and European innovation scenes. We want EiA Champions and stakeholders to feel inspired and backed-up by those that have taken a step further on how they see the potential of innovation and entrepreneurship to build a better world.

The conferences will be held every three months, between Mar. 2022 & Dec. 2023.

Click here to indicate your interest to participate: https://forms.gle/4Ra5TdC3J91nekFh7

More news to come soon. Stay tuned!

Cluster organisation
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