ENRICH in the USA Advanced Manufacturing-focused Tour
Call for Applications
ENRICH In the USA Advanced Manufacturing-focused Tour
October 21– 25, 2019
A pilot service offered by ENRICH in the USA.
Call closes: September 10, 2019 – 23h59 CET
ENRICH in the USA is launching the ENRICH in the USA Advanced Manufacturing-Focused Tour to assist European Union and EU-affiliate stakeholders interested in US-based business and/or collaborative partnership opportunities. This Advanced Manufacturing-Focused Tour, hosted by the Council of the Great Lakes Region, provides connections and information to help explore and/or identify transatlantic customer, supplier, and/or investment opportunities for visiting EU stakeholders within the advanced manufacturing industry in the binational Great Lakes region, North America’s economic engine.
The unique opportunities leveraged by the host ENRICH in the USA Landing Hub, will enable participants to experience a one-of-a-kind interaction with US-based government, industry, and research experts who share similar challenges and solutions within the advanced manufacturing industry. These action- and connection-packed 5 days spent with the Council of the Great Lakes Region will provide EU visiting stakeholders a deep understanding of quicker pathways to access US and Canadian business, regulatory and technological resources, ensuring a smooth internationalization of advanced manufacturing equipment, processes, and/or software technologies or businesses. Every participant will leave the Tour with at least one major potential connection to a US and/or Canadian based entity with which to further explore partnership opportunities.
This first Advanced Manufacturing-Focused Tour will accept up to 40 participants. The Tour is open to EU Member States and Horizon 2020 Associated Countries advanced manufacturing stakeholders.
This service gives you the opportunity to:
- Find relevant advanced manufacturing customer, supplier, technology development/research, and/or other partnership contacts, in a financially efficient, timely manner
- Find US financial support for international entities interested in locating a new global office to be closer to these customers/partners
- Explore business and investment opportunities in a bi-national location
- Find an international location with convenient major infrastructure accommodating trade logistics between three nations
- Explore the above opportunities in an area of the US that provides a highly attractive business, investment, and regulatory environment in the global advanced manufacturing market
More info available here