Environmental Readings Bulletin Volumen 09: Disposal and management of waste in the hydrocarbons sector

Submitted by Marta Laura Carranza on 26 June 2018

The Regulation of the General Law for the Prevention and Integral Waste Management establishes that the waste generated in the activities of the sector hydrocarbons are of federal competence so that the waste generated in the activities indicated shall be subject to the provisions of said Regulation. The Special handling waste will be subject to the rules and general provisions that the Agency issue Now, according to the Regulation, hazardous waste will be identified in accordance with the following: I. Those that are considered as such, in agreement with the legislation; II. Those classified in the Official Mexican Standards; III. Derivatives from the hazardous waste mixture with other waste; those from the treatment, storage and final disposal of waste dangerous and those equipment and constructions that would have been in contact with hazardous waste and be discarded.

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