The FIT4FoF open the survey to identify the skill gaps in the Factory of the Future

Submitted by Borja Dapena González on 19 September 2019

We have opened the European survey to help on the identification of shortages and mismatches in skills or knowledge and competencies in advanced manufacturing, including digital capabilities. This will help us create a detailed picture of the skill gaps of the Factory of the Future, so we can achieve the objective we made of identify at least 100 new profiles in the six technological areas that the project covers.

This survey was made by the partner from Portugal, the Instituto Politécnico de Bragança (IPB), with feedback and comments from the other consortium partners. The new deadline to fill the study is October 15th, the link can be found at the end of the article.

From the FIT4FoF team we encourage anyone to share the link to the survey and share the posts of our Twitter and LinkedIn.

If you have any problem with the link you can find down page, copy the following in your browser and go to the survey:

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