FIT4FoF project organized its second Knowledge Exchange Workshop centered in future skills and job profiles

Submitted by Borja Dapena González on 26 May 2021


FIT4FoF partners met yesterday online to continue the Knowledge Exchange workshops celebrated some weeks ago, the first one focused on the ICoED process and this second one on future skills and job profiles.

Knowledge Exchange Workshops are internal events focused on sharing knowledge, experiences and results around the topics that FIT4FoF focuses on. During this event, partners focus their presentations on the approach, tools and methods used to identify and work on the processes carried out within the project tasks.

During yesterday's workshop, Paulo Leitao, project partner from the Instituto Politecnico de Bragança, talked about the identification of future skills and job profiles and how tools, such as the one developed by IPB, can be used in educational pilots. After him, representatives from CEAGA, MESAP, ARCTIC and LEA-CFI explained the development of their pilots and the identification of skills needed in the industry and how they have adapted them to the pilot.

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