From Flexible & Wearable Electronics (FWE) to Flexible, Organic & Printed Electronics (FOPE)

Submitted by Alessia Menduni on 07 July 2020

Flexible & Wearable Electronics has been the commonly used wording under the H2020 programme. It replaced former Thin Organic Large Area Electronics (FP7) while also covering Organic & Printed Electronics as frequently used by the community. In the recent context of updating the OE-A roadmap and setting a new vision for the association, it has been changed to Flexible, Organic & Printed Electronics.

This new wording is now being implemented in the #5Eproject as well to designate Area 2 technologies in its updated context, without any impacts on the content of the project.

> Find out more about the 5E project:

> Join the 5E Digital Showcase, an online platform dedicated to innovative European electronics products, including products developed in the context of a funded project (regional, national or EU level):

The Coordination and Support Action 5E has received funding from the European Community’s Programme Horizon 2020 under GA Number: 825113.
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