The Food Waste for Foodpack project continues to promote the circular economy to reduce environmental impact
The companies Ametller Origen Obradors SL, Delafruit, Cobeveragelab, Samtack and Gráficas Salaet, Zona Franca and Mercabarna, IRTA and the BIMATEC and LEPAMAP research groups of the UdG and the Packaging Cluster are participating.
Foodwaste for Foodpack will improve the efficiency of resources and reduce the generation of resources.
This pilot and innovative project by the Operating Groups of the European Association for Innovation aims to materially value the waste from the fruit and vegetable processing industry as a resource to obtain a packaging material for the agro-food industry based on fibers. The initiative proposed the exercise of industrial symbiosis between companies from the agri-food sector Ametller Origen Obradors SL, Delafruit and Cobeveragelab, from the packaging sector Samtack and Gràfiques Salaet, with the support of business links such as the Consorci de la Zona Franca and Mercabarna, and support from agents of the Catalan R+D+i system such as the IRTA research center and the BIMATEC and LEPAMAP research groups of the University of Girona. The Packaging Cluster acts as promoter and coordinator of the project.
The consortium of companies and entities has developed the first phases of the project, starting with a selection of the waste from fruit and vegetables generated by Ametller Origen, Delafruit and Cobeveragelab and on the other hand, IRTA has compiled the necessary information for know the production process. Subsequently, a pre-treatment of the waste from fruits and vegetables has been carried out to obtain fiber-based materials to define the optimal processing conditions for the vegetable waste that allow finding a balance that ensures the stability of the waste and maximize overall efficiency.
On the part of the BIMATEC and LEPAMAP research groups of the University of Girona, the fiber-based material is being obtained with 75% coming from waste fruit and vegetable juices, with the collaboration of Samtack to provide the organic material to join these fibers. The next phase of the project will be to explore the applications of fiber-based materials from waste as packaging in the agri-food sector to identify uses and potential users. Finally, different proposals for the design of primary and secondary packaging will be launched, taking into account the properties of the developed materials. The initiative will propose a prototype of agri-food packaging obtained at pilot level from the fibrous material from waste, made at the facilities of Gràfiques Salaet
On the part of the BIMATEC and LEPAMAP research groups of the University of Girona, the fiber-based material is being obtained with 75% coming from waste fruit and vegetable juices, with the collaboration of Samtack to provide the organic material to join these fibers. The next phase of the project will be to explore the applications of fiber-based materials from waste as packaging in the agri-food sector to identify uses and potential users. Finally, different proposals for the design of primary and secondary packaging will be launched, taking into account the properties of the developed materials. The initiative will propose a prototype of agri-food packaging obtained at pilot level from the fibrous material from waste, made at the facilities of Gràfiques Salaet.
Foodwaste for foodpack is an innovative pilot project financed by the Operational Groups Program of the European Association for Innovation (AEI) in terms of agricultural productivity and sustainability (operation 16.01.01 of the Rural Development Program of Catalonia (PDR) 2014-2020). The pilot project drives the agri-food industry in its transition towards a circular economy that reduces the pressure on the environment, improves the efficiency of resources, reduces the generation of waste and, at the same time, develops an alternative that allows facing the high pressure legislative and fiscal that the sector will have to deal with.