GAIA and AVIC clusters merged in order to boost the digital transformation in the Basque Country
The 9th of June, Bilbao hosted the Anual Assembly of GAIA with its own members and local authorities. The main decision taken was the approval of the joint between GAIA (Association of Electronics, ICT and Videogames) and AVIC (Basque Association of Engineering and Consultancy).
This merging aims to be the key element for the digital transformation of the Basque Country. This new “megasector” involves 281 companies, with 18.776 employees and the expected turnover for 2017 of 5.000 million euro.
The integration will enable the reinforcement of the territorial competitiveness allowing to face the future challenges concerning to knowledge, technology, experience and entrepreneurial capacity. The new “megasector” integratres knowledge and capacity, reinforces the hybrid supply of technology and knowledge in order to activate new value chains for the digital transformation. One of the main challenges will be to shorten the gap of trained profesionals in order to face market requirements in an economy transformation framework.
In Bilbao, 9th of June of 2017.