III Commercial Mission to Japan organized by the Beauty Cluster Barcelona

Submitted by Ariadna Chamorro Merino on 05 February 2018

The Beauty sector consolidates its presence in Japan and is that 11 Spanish companies, AD Particles, Feed Your Skin – Beauty and Go, Dermoestética del Sur, Laboratorios Ferrer, Magasalfa, Phergal, Quadpack Group, Quimibios-Careabout, Sesderma, Toskani Cosmetics y Viokox, have participated in the commercial mission organized by the Beauty Cluster Barcelona in collaboration with Catalonia Trade Investment.

This activity, whose objective has been to promote the export of products and technology of cosmetics, perfumery and health, has had as main focus the grouped participation of companies in the international CosmeTokyo fair. During the fair the companies have followed an intense agenda of meetings with representatives of the main Japanese companies in the sector.

In this framework, various complementary activities have been carried out, including the retail tour through Tokyo, associated with the benchmarking program designed specifically for the mission, the seminars on Japanese market trends and product registration, and the networking dinner organized together to the Japan Cosmetic Center, which was attended by more than 50 industry professionals.

Overall, the 3rd Commercial Mission to Japan has achieved a success above what was expected by its participants who, for the most part, have opened interesting business opportunities and have established relationships with potential partners. In this sense, the work begun three years ago by the BCB is consolidated to facilitate the entry of spanish products into one of the reference markets of the beauty sector.

Cluster organisation
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