The “inDemand Community” supports Navarra to launch a demand-driven call for companies

Submitted by Jorge Gonzalez on 05 August 2020

The Region of Navarra (Spain), as a member of the “inDemand Community”, to launch a call for digital health companies. Following the inDemand model, Navarra has detected 4 healthcare challenges to be solved by technology.

A new opportunity for digital health companies is out following the inDemand model, based on a demand-driven and co-creation approach at the same time. The Region of Navarra (Spain), as a member of the “inDemand Community”, has detected 4 healthcare challenges to be solved by technology. The selected companies will have the opportunity to co-create the solutions hand in hand with healthcare professionals and will receive funding – up to € 30,000. Only companies based in Navarra can apply to this innovative call before 24th August 2020.

The four healthcare challenges are the following:

ConectaSOS (SOSConnect): Development of a new app setting up a new communication channel and protocol improving the time response and the transfer of critical information and data for the urgent transportation of emergency patients involving three key agents: medical ambulances, emergency coordination call center (SOS Navarra) and the hospital’s Emergency Room’s triage services.

QuiroHelp (ORHelp): A chatbot service available by Surgical or Operating Room (OR) Nurses both at the ORs and their smartphones, that will improve their time response and efficiency in the preparation and delivery of their tasks, thanks to an easy and rapid access to protocols, surgical practices, and information about the location of the required instruments and materials for a given intervention.

MiCentro (MyPHC): A new communication channel for Primary Health Care Centres (PHC) is proposed, in order to better outreach their patients, based upon a widely adopted technology (SMS-Short Messaging Services). This will allow both wide and targeted communication campaigns for the dissemination of information about changes in PHC (timetables, available staff, procedures), new health campaigns, health alerts, and the reminder and/or reassignment of any kind of medical appointments.

UMD360 (UMD360): A new tool will empower more than 200 gynaecological cancer patients managed by the Multidisciplinary Unit of Gynaecologial Cancer, a wide team of medical and nursing professionals from different disciplines providing an integrated response and care to these patients’ needs. The app will provide patients easy to access, comprehensive, and relatable information about their diagnostics, treatment protocols, and adverse effects to treatments and will open a new communication channel between patients and their appointed health care managers.

A European Community born to boost digital health

The commitment to digital health increases more and more, as evidenced by the 12 European regions that compose the “inDemand Community” nowadays. All members of this Community share a common goal: to boost digital transformation in healthcare for improving patient care.

To reach this objective, these regions have opted for the new inDemand model, based on a demand-driven and co-creation approach at the same time. “Healthcare professionals are now the ones taking the lead when it comes to identifying unmet needs. Besides, they have an active role during the development process. We believe this is the optimum way for healthcare organizations to become more innovative and for digital health solutions to have more success opportunities in the real market”, says Jorge González, Ticbiomed director and inDemand coordinator.

Another added value from the model is that it gives to the regions the opportunity of learning how to use their own and structural funds in a more efficient way. This, in turn, will help to boost digital transformation and competitiveness within their territory.
The 12 European regions that are currently replicating this innovative model are Aragón, Centru, Cantabria, Central Croatia, East Netherlands, Extremadura, Jämtland Härjedalen, Madrid, Navarra, Piemonte, Pomorskie and Tampere.

The consortium

inDemand consortium is composed of 11 partners. The Healthcare organizations are SMS and FFIS in Murcia, RESAH in Paris Region and NOHD in Oulu. The public regional funders are INFO in Murcia, Choose Paris Region and Oulu Council. The business supporters are Ticbiomed in Murcia, Medicen Paris Region and Business Oulu. The team is completed with Errin and Oulu University supporting the dissemination and the methodology implementation.

The inDemand project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement No763735.
Find more information about inDemand in the webpage


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