The INNO Industry project extends its 1st Phase to allow on-site study visits
Due to the global effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, the INNO Industry project has extended the implementation period of its 1st phase. That is why the project partners have been meeting periodically by videoconference to evaluate the current progress of the project and schedule the activities planned for the fifth additional semester, which will began on August 1, 2021 and will end on January 31, 2022.
The aim of this additional six-month period is to be able to carry out the planned activities, especially the exchange of experiences between partners and the in-depth presentation of selected good practices. Two consortium meetings are planned for the 5º and last semester, one in Portugal and one in Slovakia, which were not possible to be held in previous semesters due to limitations in international travel.
These two meetings will be taken as an opportunity to broaden the knowledge about the good practices selected in the project through on-site visits and meetings with experts and stakeholders. This will be especially relevant during the last phase of presentation and sharing of the action plans of each of the partners, which will take place during this fifth and last semester.
Virtual Study Visit to Sweden
Additionally, on June 22nd, INNO Industry project partners had the opportunity to make a virtual visit to the Swedish company Sensair, a leading global provider of air and gas sensing technology. Their goal is to make sense of air by providing the best possible measurement solutions, service and intelligence. With over 25 years of experience, Senseair has become the centre of excellence in the field of non-dispersive infra-red (NDIR) technology. They develop and produce the smallest and most cost-efficient high-precision, low-power sensors for high-volume production.
In the framework of the study visits planned within the project, Adj.Prof. Henrik Rödjegård, CTO and Research Manager at Sensair, gave an online presentation of the company and its experiences from international cooperation in research. Afterwards, the partners were able to enjoy a personalized virtual tour in which they could see how the company's production line works and the digitalization and Industry 4.0 mechanisms it has in place.
Preparation of Action Plans
Although during the previous semesters the project partners have already been working on the development of their own action plans, this last semester will serve as a final step to exchange ideas and experiences to improve them, thus facilitating the implementation of changes in the different policy instruments addressed by each partner.
In the fourth semester it was planned to organize three working groups to facilitate the interaction among partners and take the final support to finalize the action plan work done in each region. SBA, as Business Agency (P7), would coordinate the different working groups and monitor their work.
With this in mind, and due to the limitations in the smooth exchange of experience due to the situation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the organization of these working groups would be maintained during the 5th semester. In addition, a videoconference will be held where each of the working groups can present the conclusions obtained to the rest of the partners.
In addition to these working groups, the partners will be able to hold bilateral meetings that will allow them to go deeper into specific topics of their interest that they consider relevant to develop and enrich their corresponding action plans.
Also, the objective of this fifth and last semester is to support the promotion and transferring the successful results of the project towards specific stakeholders and target groups, in order to allow potential interested parties to learn about the achievements and the related findings during Phase 1 of the project and to eventually use or adopt them.