INNOSUP-1 S3FOOD launches its 2nd innovation voucher call for direct support of SMEs
S3FOOD, a 5 mio euro project financed through the H2020 INNOSUP-1 programme, aims to facilitate the digitalisation of the food processing industry by stimulating the implementation of smart sensor systems in the food production processes and thus making the generation of digital data possible and also by providing training and support in relation to data collection, management and mining. The overall objective of the project is to improve quality control and resource efficiency, facilitate the follow-up of food safety trough the food production process, as well as the traceability along the food value chain, thanks to the digitalisation of the food processing industry.
Over 2.8 mio euro is availabel for direct support of SMEs via two voucher calls. The first call was launched in February 2020 and awareded 1.5 mio euro to 51 unique SME beneficiaries involved in 44 innovation projects focussing on digital innovation in the food industry. Discover them all here.
The second call opens December 9th and proposals can be submitted until March 10th 17h00 CET. SMEs active in food processing, technology development or digital solutions situated in the S3FOOD geographical scope or member of one of the S3FOOD partners can be eligible for funding. 1.3 mio euro is availabel for exploration, validation and application vouchers.
Terms & conditions and proposal templated can be found here from December 9th onwards.