Interview in the frame of Evaluation Study & Potential Follow-up to Cluster Initiatives under COSME, H2020, and FPI, organized by Prognos AG
Vladimir Gumilar, director and cluster manager of Construction cluster of Slovenia took part in an interview in the frame of Evaluation Study & Potential Follow-up to Cluster Initiatives under COSME, H2020, and FPI, organized by Prognos AG. He stressed the high relevance and importance of all support mechanisms for clusters, starting with H2020 INNOSUPs, COSME ESCPs (ESCP4i, ESCP3s, ESCP4x/ClusterXchange, European Cluster Collaboration Platform (ECCP), now integrated with EREK - European Resource Efficiency Knowledge Centre, and all other support services such as cluster matchmaking, cluster conferences, and mission to third countries supported vie ECCP and EU directorates. He stressed that CCS is looking forward to their implementation in Horizon Europe, Single market programme, other EU programmes and new ones such as supporting international meta clusters initiatives like International Circular Construction Cluster.
Vladimir Gumilar
Slovenski gradbeni grozd - Construction Cluster of Slovenia