Invitation to the DIGI-B-CUBE Cross-sectoral Workshop: "How Digital Innovations disrupt Medical Diagnostics & Personalised Medicine“
Find your ideal partner and finance your ehealth 4.0 projects with DIGI-B-CUBE program!
DIGI-B-CUBE program, of which INFOPOLE is a consortium partner, will support development and delivery of new market sensitive disruptive technologies and key digital innovations to reconfigure patient-centred diagnostics towards a Health Economy 4.0.
The voucher scheme call will be launched in April 2020 but SMEs can start engaging in the project activities by joining the project's cross-sectoral workshops and the matchmaking platform.
With the support of MedTech Wallonia, MecaTech, BioWin, WeLL and Agoria, INFOPOLE invites you to participate to the first cross-sectoral workshop organized in Wallonia on the 22nd of January!
What is the DIGI-B-CUBE project ?
- Aim: Digitally transforming the medical diagnostics value chain by adapting innovations such as artificial intelligence from the IT sector.
- Target groups: Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) and other organizations from the health & IT sector.
- Methods: workshops, matchmaking platform, joint innovation projects, coaching.
- €2.7M equity-free funding of up to €60,000 per SME through lump sum vouchers to help SMEs turn their ideas into viable solutions (i.e. new products, services, processes).
- Project Website:
Who should join us ?
- eHealth researcher or innovator, biopharma/health/biotech SME who recognize the need to stay ahead in the wave of digital innovation.
- Digital/IT SME who want to share your expertise and the potential of Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, Data Analytics across health and medicine.
- Decision-maker from the public or private sector who want to cut through the hype, assess the potential and state of maturity of digital innovations towards precision medicine and determine how to position your eHealth ecosystem.
It will be a unique opportunity for health professionals and researchers of health research centers to establish synergies with industry companies and digital professionals who can bring new perspectives to research projects and, together with the health approach, provide comprehensive and very competitive solutions in the market. This co-creation workshop will offer a space for health and digital professionals to explore their potential to create collaborative innovation projects and will open the doors to new collaborations and competitive funding opportunities for their innovation projects with digital technologies, using the capabilities and resources available in the private sector.
Agenda (provisional)
09:00 : Welcome
09:15 : Introduction of the day and to the DIGI-B-CUBE project
09:45 : Presentation of European Ecosystems and challenges identified by DIGI-B-CUBE partners
10:30 : Pause & matchmaking
10:45 : Digital and Health : Examples and applications
11:15 : Workshop in Sub-Groups to tackle innovation challenges
12:15 : Feedback workshops and conclusion
12:30 : Lunch & matchmaking
Practical details
Date : 22nd January 2020
Time : 09:00 to 13.30 hrs
Location : Point Centre Biopark - Avenue Georges Lemaître 19B, 6041 Charleroi
If you are an SME & wish to obtain for Travel Support | If you are not an SME (or) not applying for Travel Support |
1. Register to the DIGI-B-CUBE workshop through matchmaking platform | 1. Register to the DIGI-B-CUBE workshop through matchmaking platform |
2. Submit application for travel voucher to to cover the travel expenses |