Iot4Industry European Tour: funding opportunities for SMEs

Submitted by Guillaume Roux on 21 November 2018

Iot4Industry European Tour: funding opportunities for SMEs

Do you have a good idea regarding IoT or You need help to modernize your production process?

IoT4Industry is what you need!

Iot4industry CALL for collaborative projects is the H2020 initiative offering 4 million of Euros to SMEs able to imagine the integration and the use of IoT into manufacturing tools, machines and robots. This call addressed to SMEs, large companies and research centers based in European member states or Horizon 2020 associated countries working in the industrial/manufacturing or ICT/IoT domains.

What is expected ? Project proposals should present an industrial/manufacturing case, where IoT has a clear added value be innovative and have a clear impact on all partners involved. They will arise from cross-border collaborations (different NUTS regions) between SMEs and other RDI actors of the ICT and advanced manufacturing sectors.

Are you interested in this opportunity?

Do you need a project partner?

Do you need help to design your proposal?

Meet us across Europe and let us know what you need!

16-17 October, Barcelona - IoT Solutions World Congress (Pole SCS)

25 October, Brussels - INNO TSD ESCP & Innosup partnering event (inno TSD)

30 October, Coventry -  Digitalising Manufacturing 2018 (MTC)

7 November, Nice – Forum Industria Mediterranée  (Pole SCS)

13-14 November Liverpool (UK) , Smart Factory Expo (booth D66) (MTC)

20 November, Lisbon – EFECS 2018 (MESAP Innovation Cluster)

23 November, Mons -  FIWAL exhibition (Pole Mecatech)  

27-28 November, Warsaw - DIH Annual Conference, (Pole SCS)

27-28 November, Turin- VTN Vehicle & Transportation Technology Innovation Meetings (MESAP Innovation Cluster)

27-29 November, Cannes - Trustech (Pole SCS)

5 December, Freiburg -  Smart mobile applications – einsatzmöglichkeiten von wearables & co. in produktion und service, (mTSW)

6-8 December, Albertville (Mont-Blanc Industries)

11-12 December, Amsterdam - International MicroNano Conference (mTWS)

Discover more

Download the GUIDE for Applicants and the proposal Template 

Watch the video of the CALL

Get in contact  with us here 

Stay tuned on twitter and Linkedin 

Cluster organisation
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