Join our first ADMA TranS4MErs xChange Event on April 27, 2023!
You are invited!
We hereby invite everyone to participate in our ADMA TranS4MErs xChange online event on April 27th from 10:00am - 12:30pm [Note: the event will be held primarily in German]. This event serves to spread awareness among SMEs on how to become a Factoy of the Future and what kind of support measures are readily available to them. We want to boost companies’ digital transformation journeys and invite you to get started now! During the webinar, project partners will present select free service options (services financed by the European Commission) of the digital ADMA TranS4MErs xChange platform and explain how companies can take advantage of them to increase their competitiveness and efficiency. In addition, topic experts will present exciting keynote speeches on the current challenges and opportunities of digitalization, such as artificial intelligence and the change of the workplace in the industry due to it. The speakers include journalist Richard Gutjahr (exemplary stations: ARD/ ZDF, Süddeutsche Zeitung, CNN) and Maik Außendorf (Member of the German Parliament Bündnis 90/ Die Grünen, Committee for Digitalization).
For further information please also see:
Feel free to join the webinar this Thursday under the following Microsoft Teams link: ADMA TranS4MErs xChange Event
Meeting ID: 257 744 041 457
Passcode: E8Uum4
We look forward to seeing you!