The Joint Internationalisation Strategy has been approved - FGOI
The Steering Committee of the Furniture Go International Consortium has met on 10th February to reflect on the following important steps and deliverables of the project. Among the topics, the consortium formally approved the Joint Internationalization Strategy.
The strategy was developed by taking into account the main challenges in the internationalization of the SMEs in the furniture industry, as well as an in-depth analysis of the value chain covered by the partnership and targeted in the FGOI project.
Thus, the strategy for internationalization for the next years of the consortium will concentrate on:
OUR MISSION: Create agile and effective intercluster cooperation dynamics in order to support access and consolidation of European furniture industry SMEs in the USA, Canada, Egypt, and South African markets.
OUR VISION: To be the benchmark for European furniture clusters and SMEs that want to export their goods out of the EU market.
The next steps of the project will focus on learning more about the targeted markets, through organised exploratory visits, as well as creating synergies within the cluster partnership and representatives of the industry among the partnership.
To learn more about our future steps in the project, follow the FGOI's ECCP page and our website:
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