Submitted by Olga Glumac on 28 October 2019


Dear SMEs

As you might be working on a proposal and the deadline is approaching, we would like to remind you of some of the main requirements.


To be eligible to apply for VIDA Demonstration Voucher you shall:


  • be located in one of the VIDA regions (DK, NL, DE, Lombardy-IT Region, CZ, Aragon-ES region, PT) OR belong to one of the clusters from VIDA partnership (see,


Please note that only DV Application form v2.0  template titled "Application for Demonstration Voucher (second call)" is valid. The template has to be completely filled out, must be signed and be submitted in PDF format (.pdf). Please do not use digital signatures but sign the document electronically or normally by hand.


In case you are curious and would like to take a look at the awarded projects and how they are working in practice, check the snapshot of our beneficiaries and their innovation projects:


We encourage you to send your application some days before the deadline, to avoid typical last-minute inconveniences!


We look forward to receiving your application.


VIDA Team I  info [at] (info[at]vidaproject[dot]eu)    Follow us: @h2020vida

VIDA – Value added Innovation in fooD chAins– aims to accelerate the implementation of new solutions (preferably key enabling technologies) in the food sector which improve the usage of water and energy with the ambition to reduce losses and consumption. VIDA has three different types of funding vouchers to support small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) seeking new resource efficient solutions.

The VIDA project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement nº 777795. 


The content of this document represents the view of the author only and is his/her sole responsibility: it cannot be considered to reflect the views of the European Commission and/or the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-size Enterprises (EASME). The European Commission and the Agency do not accept responsibility for the use that may be made of the information it contains.

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