Lessons learnt from participating in Cluster Excellence Management Training
In the framework of EU-funded COSME CECIL project, the five consortium partners (Madrid ICT Audivisual Cluster, Mazovia ICT Cluster, Danish Sound, Irish Software Association and Cap Digital) participated in a Cluster Excellence Management Training, which took place virtually and on-site between 30th of January and 3rd of March 2017 in Copenhagen (Denmark) in order to obtain knowledge and practical skills that improve cluster management.
The training activity was provided by join forces of two organizations - Oxford Research and Quercus Groug. Based on our needs, the training course comprised relevant modules and corresponding case studies.
The purpose of the programme was to create understanding about cluster development as a tool for innovation and regional development, get insight on how to work with cluster development in praxis and return with practical tools and methods for cluster development and cluster management.
Among the lessons learnt by Cap Digital, the most significant ones were provided by Thomas Ritter (Professor and Academic Director at CBS Competitiveness Platform) and Kim Moller (co-founder and President of Oxford Leadership in Nordic Region and Chairman of the Oxford Research) who respectively presented concrete tools for Business Model Diagnosis and Strategic Focusing. Such tools are of particular interest at a time when any cluster enters a transition period during which its value proposition needs to be challenged and its strategy renewed. Engaging in a Strategic Focusing process allows:
- To create a common sense of the current baseline,
- To align team members around a common purpose and vision
- To identify and explore core values and clarify guiding principles
- To identify barriers to effective team work and leadership
- To develop goals, strategies and concrete action plans
Cap Digital will use this methodology to prepare and develop its new strategy.
Such training is also a good oppportunity to remind the importance of staying focused on one's own values, the members’ needs and the quality of the services provided.