Maritime spatial planning conference
Maritime spatial planning conference
The 7th National Maritime Law Conference "Maritime spatial planning" took place on April 12, 2018, at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Gdańsk, organized by the Department of Maritime Law, WPiA UG and the European Law Students Association ELSA Gdańsk.
The conference takes place at an important time when Poland is in the marine spatial planning process - said Cpt. Wiesław Piotrzkowski, Director of the Maritime Office in Gdynia. Pomeranian focuses on the dynamic development of maritime economy, so the spatial development plan is very important for our region, said Wiesław Byczkowski, Deputy Marshal of the Pomorskie Voivodeship. Gdańsk is strongly connected with the sea and a our investments are support the development of the port, shipyards and other maritime services, said Aleksandra Dulkiewicz, Deputy Mayor of the City of Gdansk for Economic Policy. About activities for the activation of the National Center for Baltic Research - said prof. Krzysztof Bielawski - Vice-Rector for Development and Cooperation with Economy of the University of Gdańsk. About the SEAPLANSPACE Project, Marine spatial planning instruments for sustainable marine governance - said prof. Dorota Pyć, Director of the Department of Maritime Law.
The conference discussed the most important issues that are important for the development and practical application of maritime spatial planning instruments for sustainable sea management. The idea was to develop principles of maritime spatial planning, develop good plans for maritime spatial development, define the responsibilities of public administration bodies, strengthen cooperation between the administration and social organizations.