Matchmaking mission in Canada meets the Ontario erospace Council
With the strong support of the Ministry of Economic Development of Ontario and the European Union through the COSME programme, our delegation of 6 European SMEs coming from France, Italy and Greece have been received during 2 days at the Ontario Investment and Trade Building in Toronto.
During these 2 days our delegation had the opportunity to meet 19 representatives from different companies and public organizations:
The Government of Ontario: Investment Outreach Unit, the Aerospace and Manufacturing Unit, Information and Communications Technology Unit, Production Industries Unit, Automotive Unit and Business Resource Specialists.
IBM, Airbus, France Canada Chamber of Commerce, The Canadian Space Agency, York University, University of Guelph Department of Earth and Space Science and Engineering, Peak Power, Ecopia, Waterfront Toronto, OPSgrok, Ontario Agri-Food Technologies, JRS Virtual Studio, Toronto Global
With the support of our Partner PWC, several B2B meetings have been organized also with Canadian companies as Urthecast, Kepler, …
In addition, SPACE2IDGo representative (Skywin Cluster – Michel Stassart) was honoured to participate to the AGM and Aerospace Unplugged event to sign a MoU between our consortium and the Ontario Aerospace Council (OAC). Our objectives are to develop a strong and collaborative relationship between us. The signature has been made in presence of the Ontario Minister of Economic Development, the Honourable Vic Fedeli, and it will bring weight to our agreement and a reason for Ontario and possible Canadian government to further support our collaborative efforts to fuel transatlantic partnerships, research and the strengthening of the space and aerospace global supply chains.
This mission was supported by the Space2idGo project which has received funding from the European’s Union COSME programme (2014-2020).