MESAP wishes you a great summer with 2 reads  and invite you in Turin on 14th September 2018!

Submitted by Alessia Menduni on 31 July 2018

MESAP wishes you a great summer with 2 reads  and invite you in Turin on 14th September 2018!

Mesap wishes you a great summer with two interesting reads under the summer umbrella in which MESAP acts as one of the main character:

-the first newsletter belongs to DIA European Digital Industry Alliance, the 24 months project supporting companies to catch market challenges and opportunities offered by the Fourth Industrial Revolution to commercialise joint products at international scale.

-the second newlsetter refers to IoT4INdustry the 30 months project acting as a “catalyzer” of a new industrial value chain providing training and matchmaking actions and selecting “champions” SMEs to direct finance their IoT cross-border and cross-sectorial collaborative projects.

DIA and IoT4Industry will also be together on the occasion of of the INTERNATIONAL NETWORKING TOWARDS DIGITAL INDUSTRIES: BEST PRACTICES AND GRANTS, Turin 14th September 2018 (see the attachment), where clusters and companies will discuss on strategy in Europe to foster SMEs digital transformation and growth,  join BtoB BtoC meetings and participate to the IoT4Industry International Launch for collaborative projects (innovation Vouchers).

DIA Newsletter  

IoT4Industry Newsletter 

Enjoy the summer and see you in Turin 14th September 2018!

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