Minalogic and Cool Silicon organizing German-French Colloquium on KET for the connected & automated vehicle / Berlin, June 8. -9. 2017

Submitted by Stephanie Uhlig on 11 May 2017


German-French Colloquium on KET for the connected and automated vehicle

Minalogic and Cool Silicon are jointly organizing and inviting to a German-French Colloquium on KET for the connected and automated vehicle. Car2car / car2infrastructure communication, vision systems, connectivity (5G, IoT, sensors), reliability of systems, autonomous driving, big data and artificial intelligence are topics that concern and interest you and your organization? Come to Berlin and meet European experts and technologists around the topic in order to build business and innovation partnerships!

Within 1,5 day, the event will give its participants a maximum of technical information, networking and brainstorming in order to enhance R&D collaboration and H2020 joint projects. 

Interested in a speaker slot?
Please contact: Nadja Dehne, nadja.dehne@cool-silicon.de, +49 351 8925 804.

Participants that would like to present a poster are invited to communicate:

  • the name of the company
  • the topic of the poster

to Laure Quintin and Nadja Dehne via email. The poster's selection will be confirmed on Friday May 18th the latest. 

The event is free of charge and French SME companies can benefit from the reimbursement of a part of their travel expenses to Berlin.


Thursday, June 8th 2017

Where? French Embassy in Germany, Berlin
When? 9:00 - 18:00 Colloquium, 19:00 Networking Cocktail 

On the agenda:

  • Presentations of the latest technical solutions answering the challenges of the vehicle of the future
  • Company pitches during poster elevator sessions
  • Presentation of funding opportunities for R&D projects in the topic
  • Networking sessions during lunch and cocktail
>> Agenda, June 8th 2017


Friday, June 9th 2017

Where? Saxon State Representative office in Berlin
When? 10:00 - 12:00 B2B Meetings

Following the colloquium, pre-arranged meetings with participants based on your company profile will be arranged on June 9th. In 15 min 1-to-1-meetings, participants have the chance to meet potential cooperation partners for R&D projects and business in the Saxon State Representative office in Berlin.


(More detailed information about the event's locations and a final agenda will be distibuted to all participants prior to the event.)

For more details, please contact:

Laure Quintin / Minalogic
+33 4 38 78 06 12 / +33 6 04 91 17 99

Nadja Dehne / Cool Silicon
+49 351 89 25 804


Cluster organisation
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