MINE.THE.GAP - Become our stakeholder!
We invite you to become a MINE.THE.GAP stakeholder!
Who we are
MINE.THE.GAP is an EU funded project. We aim to improve the sustainability of the raw materials value chain through cross-regional and -sectoral innovation. Therefore, MINE.THE.GAP provides direct financial supports to SMEs through open calls and business support services. In addition, we support the collaborations between clusters and the discussion about cluster policies to create a favourable business ecosystem for SMEs. More information is available on our website: https://h2020-minethegap.eu
We welcome everyone, doesn’t matter if you are a company, cluster, research organisation, association or public administration, to become a MINE.THE.GAP stakeholder. Through the subscription, you will receive our newsletters detailing news about the open calls, awarded projects and further services from MINE.THE.GAP.
Select “hear more about collaborations between clusters and discussions about cluster policies” in the sign-up form, we will invite you to participate in surveys, webinars, and workshops from 2021 to 2023. The activities provide opportunities to network with different clusters and organisations on various cluster related topics. Through sharing your opinions, you will take part in shaping the future ecosystem for clusters and subsequently SMEs.
Please subscribe here: http://eepurl.com/htW37P
If you have any questions, please contact: europa@icamcyl.com
For cluster activities, please contact: mengchun.lee@gkz-ev.de & hannu.salmela@digipolis.fi