Now Available: DIGI-B-CUBE Travel Vouchers – Encouraging the cross-border collaborations
Travel vouchers for DIGI-B-CUBE events are now available!
All interested Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) that correspond to criteria indicated below can apply for the Travel Voucher support of up to €2,000 in order to join and participate in the DIGI-B-CUBE workshops and matchmaking events (see DIGI-B-CUBE´s event section on ECCP) Photonics in the health sectorto
- identify innovation barriers in the medical diagnostics value chain,
- identify digital solutions to overcome these barriers, and
- initiate cross-sectoral collaborations between the health and IT sector.
- The applying SME is operating in the health, biotech, biopharma, IT or related sectors.
- The applying SME fulfils the SME definition of the European Union.
- The applying SME is headquartered in one of the EU Member States or Associated to Horizon2020 Countries.
- Travel vouchers are credited against the maximum funding within the DIGI-B-CUBE voucher frame work
Travel Voucher belongs to the DIGI-B-CUBE Voucher Scheme and aim at covering travel and accommodation costs and conference fees when attending satellite events (i.e. organised/co-organised by the DIGI-B-CUBE consortium).
The first batch of upcoming events are the DIGI-B-CUBE sectoral workshops:
- Photonics in the health sector: October 3rd, 2019, in Barcelona.
- Tackling Innovation Barriers in Medical Diagnostics with Digital Technologies. October 16th, 2019, in Frankfurt.
- Biobanking. Biosensing. Bioimaging. – “How digitalization impacts on the Medical Diagnostics Value Chain?” November 7th, 2019, in Linz.
- Digital Health Innovations Disrupting Medical Diagnostics and Precision Medicine. November 12-13th, 2019, in Oslo.
To apply for Travel Voucher, please go to Collaborative Platform.
All applications must be submitted and approved prior to the event. Travel Vouchers will be awarded on a first-come first-served basis and depend on the travel voucher budget allocated/available. The applications will be reviewed by the DIGI-B-CUBE partner who is organising the event.
Find the official announcement here: DIGI-B-CUBE Travel Vouchers Announcement
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme, under Grant Agreement nº 824920. The content of this document represents the view of the author only and is his/her sole responsibility: it cannot be considered to reflect the views of the European Commission and/or the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-size Enterprises (EASME). The European Commission and the Agency do not accept responsibility for the use that may be made of the information it contains.