The Packaging Cluster boost the first Packaging Enginnering Posgraduate Degree in Catalonia

Submitted by Mar Bonet on 09 March 2017

The students of the Packaging Engineering Course visit four companies of the sector.

The second edition of the Postgraduate 2016/2017 is already in the equator.

The second edition of the Postgraduate in Packaging Engineering started on November 10th, 2016 and is currently in the middle, where students have already taken 5 of the 10 modules and made 4 visits to companies of the sector.

The first visit to the Escola d’Arts Gràfiques Antoni Algueró took place during the second module, called “The Basis of Design and Management of Packaging Projects“, and helped to see how the prepare a pre-printing of a job and introduced all the main printing technologies such as rotogravure, flexography, offset and digital printing.

The other three visits were made to companies specialized in flexible film, which complemented the theoretical classes of the fifth module, “The flexible packaging”Enplater, a flexible film printer company, deepened the technique of rotogravure printing. In the facilities the students seen different agents needed to make a project from start to finish: they experimented with different flexible films, visited the offices where the pre-printing work is done, later they followed watching how the print cylinders are recorded with the chosen design and treated with copper to use them and finally they visited the printers. On this visit, the students also had the opportunity to learn about the digital printing method with two HP Indigo 20000 printers.

Photo: Masterclass of flexography and offset in Comexi, manufacturer of machinery for flexible film located in Riudellots de la Selva (Girona).

On the other hand, in Comexi, a company that manufactures machinery for the conversion of flexible film, the student could see central drum flexographic and offset printings, and later other machines to manipulate the film as laminators or cutters. The visit was accompanied always by theoretical explanations coming from different members of the team, that allowed to assimilate the concepts to later put them into practice.

Finally, in the company Aranow the students studied the different formats of stick packaging and envelopes of four welds, as well as the machinery to make them, which manufactures this company of El Vallés.

In the second half of the course, it is expected to visit 6 more companies, which will complement modules 6, 7 and 8 which refer to “rigid and semi-rigid plastic packaging“, “compact and corrugated cardboard packaging” and ” Metal and glass packaging “.…

Cluster organisation
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