The Packaging Cluster presents the conference 'The influence of chemical recycling in the packaging sector'
The Packaging Cluster presented the virtual session on the influence of chemical recycling in the packaging sector during the European waste prevention week
Sandra Meca from Eurecat, Asier Asueta from Gaiker, Xavier Ribera from Basf and Martin Hill from Dow explained the challenges and business strategies on chemical recycling
Last Monday, November 22, European Waste Prevention Week, a virtual day was organized to share knowledge about the influence of chemical recycling in the packaging sector. The Manager of the Packaging Cluster, Àlex Brossa, presented the session with the participation of main business actors such as DOW, BASF and leading technology centers such as Gaiker and Eurecat.
Theconference started with Sandra Meca, head of the Waste and Circular Economyline (Waste, Energy and Environmental Impact Unit) of the Eurecat technologycenter of Catalonia and introduced the concept, opportunities and highlightedthe importance of chemical recycling as an alternative allowing to treatcomplex waste and the opportunity to produce recycled materials of similarquality to virgin
On the part of Gaiker, Basque Technological Center, Asier Asueta, researcher in the Recycling and Circular Economy Area, explained the contribution of chemical recycling in the packaging sector as an alternative for the circular use of plastic materials and presented a 3D design of a plant thermolysis plant for the treatment of non-mechanically recoverable plastic waste.
Toconclude, the round table moderated by the Packaging Cluster manager, had theparticipation of Xavier Ribera, director of communication, institutional relations and sustainability of BASF Iberia and Martin Hill, ApplicationTechnology Leader, Food & Specialty Packaging EMEA of DOW and Member of theBoard of Directors of the Packaging Cluster, who have contributed their opinionon chemical recycling. Xavier Ribera highlighted the importance of chemicalrecycling technology to achieve a sustainable future and Martin Hillhighlighted the pillars of strategies on sustainability and circular economy.
All of them have agreed that chemical recycling is society's greatest challenge to be able to move towards a more sustainable society by increasing the circularity of plastics with all the actors involved in the entire value chain and homogeneity in the legislation in Europe, taking advantage of the economic funds.