Po.in.tex at Torino Fashion Week. EU-ALLIANCE was presented during the B2WORTH@TorinoFashionMatch 2022
Torino Fashion Week is an international, independent and innovative format addressed to young fashion designers, brands and fashion small and medium enterprises, promoted by EEN, the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN).
This year's claim was 'Fashion wears peace', and the event was attended by a delegation of Ukrainian fashion designers and by Maki and Tukwini Mandela (House of Mandela), the daughter and granddaughter of the Nobel Peace Prize winner Nelson Mandela.
Among the several events organised between 6 and 14 July, Po.int.ex focused on the technical tables within the B2WORTH Torino Fashion Match 2022, the international event of bilateral meetings.
On July 8th Paola Fontana (Città Studi – Po.in.tex) presented the EU-ALLIANCE project during the Talk 2 “Internationalization for SMEs”, that was focused on the below topics:
- Facilitating SMEs’ access to third markets
- IP HelpDesk
- European Funding opportunities for manufacturing companies.
The event provided an important opportunity to disseminate the activities of EU-ALLIANCE, with a special focus on the upcoming mission to the US.