Presentation of AdPack Project at the event "First Day of Clusters" by Nanoprogres
National Cluster Association of Czech Republic and its members from Pardubice district, the cluster Nanoprogres and Hi-Tech innovation cluster, organized historically first Day of clusters, which took place in Pardubice on 28th of April.
During the whole event, nano technology, smart city solutions, electric cars, drones with thermovision and other innovative technology and products were exposed.
Within the exhibitors were excellent regional and national cluster organizations such as Hi - Tech innovation cluster, Nanoprogres, Moravian - Silesian Automotive Cluster, CREA Hydro&Energy, Cluster of Czech Furniture Manufacturers and Czech and Moravian Glass Cluster.
This unique event was under the patronage of governor of the Pardubice district, mayor of Pardubice, agency CzechInvest, Ministry of Industry and Trade and Technology Agency of the Czech Republic. Within the first presentation block, the EU cluster policy was revealed and two strategic cluster partnerships “AdPack” and “NATUREEF” were presented.