The project announced the results of the Open Call applications - 9 projects will be funded.
The VIDA consortium is pleased to announce that VIDA Extraordinary Call for Innovation Support Booster applications has been a huge success. In total, 47 applications were received up to the cut-off date - 10th August 2020. Applications were received from SMEs based in 6 countries: The Netherlands, Denmark, Spain, Portugal, Italy and Romania.
In summer 2020, VIDA published an additional call for the Innovation Support Voucher Booster (ISV Booster). This voucher aims to support development of new products, processes or technical services in the VIDA Nexus which – with their functions, parameters or characteristics – exceed the existing ones for the prospective users, and are based on the international state-of-the-art of science and technology. ISV Booster applications represent a joint action between one beneficiary SME from the food, water, energy or KET-sector and a knowledge provider. The ISV Booster will provide financial support of up to €5,000 enabling an SME to get access to external knowledge and expertise which will contribute to resource-efficient food production.
The high level of excellence in the proposals submitted meant selection based on the evaluation criteria was not an easy task. In the next few months, the nine winner SMEs will implement their innovative projects, including topics such as the water management systems, re-use of polluted water in agriculture, waste water treatment plant, plasma activated water for the food agriculture, intelligent flow water for efficiency control in thermal installations.
More information about the granted projects and its progress will be available on VIDA’s website (
Learn more: I info [at] ( info[at]vidaproject[dot]eu ) I Follow us: @h2020vida
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme, under Grant Agreement nº 777795.
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