Ready to apply to DIY4U Open Innovation Call?
DIY4U is a European project funded by the H2020 programme looking for collaborative design and production of personalized Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCGs).
The ambition of the project is to address the blocking agents of product customization, small-scale manufacturing and capitalize on the business opportunity by developing an Open Innovation digital platform & fablabs.
The Open innovation Call aims to select and find suitable proposals covering the development of additional functionalities for the DIY4U platform around 4 identified topics: Sales virtual assistant; Decentralized payment; Supply chain planning and Monitoring performance.
The DIY4U Open Innovation Call is an opportunity to be involved in an innovative project to develop and promote decentralized customer-centric product design & production approaches for FMCGs.
SMEs or start-ups applying to the Open Call could win up to €50K equity free funding during the 6-months project by submiting their application before 30th April.