Submitted by Mylène HACHE DESMONTS on 21 April 2021

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The WINNing Days – Target Zero pollution with Water Smart Territories | 27/05/2021  


The BLUES partnership is organising its first workshop bringing together all who want to contribute to the Zero Pollution ambition. 

The event will promote the added-value of the Water Smart Territory platform as a central place of collaborative innovations tackling water challenges and invite participants to join the BLUESXchange programme. 

Free registration ♦ Open to all ♦ Online  

►►SMEs, R&D centers, Industries, Regional authorities: we are waiting for you to build together sustainable and resilient solutions for Europe!  

Register now!

Why you should participate in The WINNing days “Target Zero pollution” 

To get a better understanding of Water Smart Territories and how it can help you to build WINNing collaborations 

To discover new innovative solutions related to the zero pollution ambition 

To get insights on the state of the art regarding diffuse and micro-pollutants 

To find out the most relevant funding opportunities 

Sharing knowledge and best practices 

As a partner event of the 2021 EU Green Week, The WINNing Days “Target Zero pollution” is open to all organisations willing to make the ambition for a zero pollution environment a reality. 

What can WST do for you? 

Connect your ideas to potential European partners 

Lay the basis for cross-regional innovative projects 

Share best practices & learn from successes from the past 

Share strategic information including relevant funding opportunities. 

WST is the only platform gathering more than 21 EU regions actively working together on water-related challenges such as Sludge, Diffuse pollution Micro pollution, Digitalisation and Circular Economy. 

Organisers & partners of the event 

The WINNing Days “Target Zero Pollution” are organised by France Water Team/Aqua-Valley, ZINNAE and Water Alliance in the framework of the COSME BLUES project and the EU Green Week. 

Blues projet was funded by the European Union’s COSME Programme. The content of this article represents the views of the author only and is his/her sole responsibility; it cannot be considered to reflect the views of the European Commission and/or the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) or any other body of the European Union. The European Commission and the Agency do not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains.

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