S3FOOD voucher project AI.tresh - Exploration of digital technologies for a prototype of mechanical thresher for fresh beans
Better bean harvests with intelligent threshing
Natural variations in the size and thickness of bean pods is a challenge for mechanical threshing machines, often leading to bottlenecks in production. Tierrina Vaqueira is attempting to solve the issue by developing a prototype for a fully-automated thresher. If successful, the project could give bean processors up to 8% higher turnover, improved quality and traceability and less waste.
Tierrina Vaqueira will test artificial intelligence technologies in collaboration with digital solution provider Virtual Intelligence S.L., focusing on automatic detection of pod characteristics to optimise the bean harvest. The partners anticipate that AI-Thresh will be a valuable innovation for all kinds of delicate field crops.
Duration: 4 months 01/09/2020 - 31/12/2020
Voucher type: Exploration
Funded SME: Tierrina Vaqueira - http://www.tierrinavaqueira.com/
Countries: Spain
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme, under Grant Agreement nº 824769.
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