S3FOOD voucher project BBISQCUIT - Better Biscuits using Intelligent Software and Cameras for Quality Control Using Innovative Technology
A continuous eye on biscuit quality
How do you know when biscuits are baked to perfection? At Belgian biscuit company La Confiance, quality control is currently subject to the trained eye of individual employees, who evaluate samples at regular intervals and adjust the baking process accordingly. With the BBISQUIT project, La Confiance wants to switch to a more objective and continuous quality control system. Cameras and intelligent software will evaluate the colour of the baked biscuits and make the necessary adjustments to oven parameters. The benefit is optimised production and increased food safety – and always uniform quality.
In addition to La Confiance, the international consortium behind this project consists of AI experts from Yazzoom in Belgium and oven automation specialists from Goldstream in Holland.
Duration: 12 months 01/09/2020 - 31/08/2021
Voucher type: Application
Funded SMEs
- La Confiance - https://www.laconfiance.be/
- Yazzoom - https://www.yazzoom.com/homenl.html
- Goldstream ovenbouw Holland - https://www.goldstreamovenbouw.com/nl/over-ons
Countries: Belgium & The Netherlands
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme, under Grant Agreement nº 824769.
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