S3FOOD voucher project BIOMIM - Biosensors for the detection of metals in milk
Smart metal detection for high milk safety
The BioMim project aims to design and manufacture an interferometric biosensor for the detection of copper and lead in milk. If successful, this project would be the first step towards a disruptive approach to real-time monitoring of food safety. Although the current methods available are effective, they are expensive and complex and require samples to be sent for laboratory analysis.
The whole dairy value chain from farmers to consumers will benefit from the results. Farmers will gain information about contaminants in milk and the presence of micronutrients. Dairy companies will be able to detect toxic metals in their product, ensuring they deliver safe milk to consumers.
Duration: 4 months 01/09/2020 - 31/12/2020
Voucher type: Exploration
Funded SME: ADVANCED OPTICAL TECHNOLOGIES S.L. - https://www.aotech.es/
Country: Spain
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme, under Grant Agreement nº 824769.
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