S3FOOD voucher project DP4MI – Digital path for the meat industry

Submitted by Veerle De Graef on 05 October 2020

Digital meat production with respect for tradition

GARCÍA NUÑO. EL CHICO S.L. is a traditional Spanish, family-run charcuterie with more than 60 years of experience – and in need of comprehensive automation. This project is a first step towards industry 4.0 technology. The ultimate goal is to modernise, monitor and optimise manufacturing and commercial processes without compromising the charcuterie’s traditional character.

The project is being conducted in collaboration with CTIC Technology Centre.

Duration: 4 months 01/08/2020 - 30/11

Voucher type: exploration

Funded SME: GARCÍA NUÑO. EL CHICO S.L.  www.elchicoartesanoscharcuteros.com

Country: Spain

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme, under Grant Agreement nº 824769.

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