S3FOOD voucher project DT-OPTIDRY: Digital Twin for optimization of manufacturing processes in agri-food companies
Perfect processing needs a digital twin
Variations in raw materials and processing parameters are a common challenge in food production, requiring more time and resources to be spent on quality control, food safety and traceability. DT-OptiDry digital twin is designed to overcome these issues by capturing input variability in a virtual environment and simulating the process. In practice, DT-OptiDry will deliver a calibrated system for controlling raw material and processing variability and adapting the process to achieve the desired output. Manufacturers can then reduce uncertainty related to final products, improve energy efficiency and sustainability and optimise processing time. Overall, they will benefit from a robust system for food safety and quality control. Lead SME UpIntelligence (Virtual Intelligence S.L.) has partnered with Embutidos Maybe, Spanish manufacturer of traditional sausages, for this validation project.
Duration: 12 months 01/09/2020 - 31/08/2020
Voucher type: Validation
Funded SMEs:
- Virtual Intelligence S.L. - https://upintelligence.es/en/home-en/
- Embutidos Maybe S.A. - https://embutidosmaybe.com/
Country: Spain
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme, under Grant Agreement nº 824769.
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